LIS 635: Curation Teaching Exercise

As I began this project, I was admittedly torn between two tools, Pinterest and ProQuest Flow. Should I rely on a curation tool that I have utilized both at work and personally but struggled to see an academic connection, or should I push the definition of a curation tool towards a much more academic tool? I actually curated an entire collection of social media research for academic libraries in ProQuest Flow and built a Haiku Deck presentation (linked below) explaining how to utilize the “Save to Flow” functionality. Success!

Sadly, that success was short-lived. I realized upon investigation that while anyone in my “community” (UNC Asheville) could view my Flow library, I could not export it in a form other than a simple bibliography or link to the materials for anyone outside of the aforementioned community. The words “panic” and “defeat” do not reside within my vocabulary; I decided to take the advice of the latest ALA Report on Social Media and explore the possibilities of Pinterest as an academic research tool. The following is a detailed analysis of my experience building a Pinterest board on learning Korean, intended for a beginning-language college student who wishes to practice outside of the classroom. 

Pinterest/Jing Presentation on Pin to Board Functionality
Follow Amanda’s board Learning Korean on Pinterest.

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 Curation Tool Analysis

(The Sadly-Not-So-Functional) ProQuest Flow/Haiku Deck Presentation on “Save to Flow”
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LIS 635 Curation Teaching – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

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