SLO 7: Entrepreneurial Leadership

SLO 7 – The student applies advocacy, marketing, and communication principles for entrepreneurial leadership.

Despite what popular perception dictates, marketing and entrepreneurship does not always involve power suits, glossy prints, and spin doctors aplenty. Social media and the ready availability of web publishing platforms have placed much of the creation of content and perception into the hands of library and information professionals. This is a point of both professional and personal interest of mine, especially the intersection of social media as a legitimate information source and primary marketing tool. My time at UNC Greensboro coupled with my experience as a social media manager facilitated further research into the application of marketing principles into library advancement.

Student Learning Outcome 7 Artifacts/Proof of Competency

Project Title Course Number and Title
Ethics and Advocacy Project:
Public Wireless Access in Academic Libraries
LIS 600: Foundations of Library and Information Studies
Collection Management Policy LIS 610: Collection Management
Social Media Policy for Academic Libraries LIS 622: Seminar in Advanced Information Sources and Services (The Social Web)
Curation Tool Tutorial LIS 635: Media Production for Library Programs
Case Study: Personnel Issues at Sunshine State LIS 650: Library Administration and Management

MLIS Candidate & Future Librarian