SLO 8: Effective Collaboration

SLO 8 – The student effectively collaborates for the achievement of individual, organizational, professional, and societal goals.

No man is an island, and no librarian is a lone ranger. (Or, as the joke goes in the archives world, a “lone arranger”.) Granted, sometimes we feel isolated from our cohort, especially those of us in the distance education cohort. At the beginning of my time at UNC Greensboro, as one of the lone academic/instruction skewed students in a sea of public or school library media folks in my cohort, I caught myself feeling like a fish out of her Turabian-and-databases-centric water. Through collaboration with my fellows, I discovered the intersectionality between our career paths and professional passions. I have cultivated life-long friendships and professional connections with this fantastic group of burgeoning library professionals across not only the state of North Carolina, but all over the world.

Student Learning Outcome 8 Artifacts/Proof of Competency

Project Title Course Number and Title
Instructional Module/Professional Development LIS 635: Media Production for Library Programs
Group Presentation: Musical Instruments Classification
White Paper and PowerPoint Presentation
LIS 640: Organizing Library Collections
Case Study: Personnel Issues at Sunshine State LIS 650: Library Administration and Management

MLIS Candidate & Future Librarian